Q: Where can I store my products?

A: Tombyll Plastics has mold storage and product storage services.

Q: How much will it cost to discuss my project?

A:  Consultation is no charge, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Q: Do I need a mold to make a plastic part?

A: We can make FDM plastic parts for you with out an injection mold. But to get true-low cost benefit of injection molding, we will need a mold to put in our machines.

Q: How do I protect my design?

A: At Tombyll Plastics, we will sign you Non Disclosure forms and help you protect your proprietary information. including assitance to obtain patents

Frequently asked questions

Plastic Injection Specialists

Q: How much will it cost to injection mold my parts?

A: Depends on the material weight and the yield rate of the mold in our machine. Part cost can range down to a little as $.01 each. 

Q: What shipping options does Tombyll Plastics have?

A: We ship UPS, USPS, Priority mail, DHL, Fed X, local delivery , Truck fright, and ocean freight exporting as required.

Q: Will Tombyll Plastics "Go In with me" on build a mold or parts?

A: Tombyll Plastics is a supplier partner with all of its customers. We are a service providing organization that specializes in injection molding processes and design. We can not finance a project or company joint venture with any monatary assistance.  

Q: Can Plastic Break?

A: Some people dont know that (plastic) is a generic term. A veriety of polymers can range from soft rubber (no break) to poly carbonate (known as bullet proof glass). Tombyll Plastics can help you select the best material and part design to fit you needes

Q: what if my question is not here?

A: Contact us and we will get your answer ASAP